
Two of the books of Roy K. were written under the pseudonym Ron J. so they would not be confused with his SA Literature. They either cover a broader range of material or are so very personal that he felt they should be distinct from his SA writings. Yet, these books were written as aids to recovery and fellowship unity. After having been tested during the last several years by sharing them with many SAs, they are now offered here. 

Impossible Joy

Purchase Impossible Joy

Breaking the lust barrier has proven to be the great obstacle in recovery. This book takes up where Steps One through Ten leave off.

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Lust Virus

Purchase Lust Virus

How is lust like a virus? How do photography and the Image Revolution spread and mutate the virus?

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Genesis Interface

Roy K. also wrote a science fiction recovery novel, Genesis Interface, in his own name, published in 1985.

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Not currently available for purchase – may become available in Kindle version in the future.